Saturday, October 19, 2019

Aquatika - beta version - Part 11 - Iron Rock: Under Stars

It was a sunny day. He was swimming around Iron Rock, cutting the waves at high speed.
Where are Lila and Solis? I could easily beat them now! he thought, breathing in the salty fragrance of Zefiria.
A low humming sound coming from the island drew his attention. Next to the northern side of the stone platform, a vertical beam of light was stabbing the air, emerging from a spot deep underwater. Kolin wondered about its unusually high intensity. His eyes followed the luminous thread that seemed to connect the ocean with something above. As soon as his gaze reached it, he froze. A lenticular object that covered a big part of the sky was floating motionless in the wind.
“What is that?” the teenager gasped, with shivers of fear pouring along his spine, his body suddenly heavy and hard to keep above the water. Then he heard a voice from behind:
“This is what you get for messing with MY artifact!”
Kolin turned around and saw the burly leader of the thugs grinning in a dinghy boat. The ruffian picked up a laser pistol from his holster and shot at him. The beam hit Kolin in the abdomen. A burning sensation exploded in his stomach, and he woke up.
The cramps in his stomach had made him curl in a fetal position. He needed a few more seconds to remember where he was. The phosphorescent dial of his watch was showing 3:35.
Slowly and without switching on the light, Kolin stood up and left the bedroom. The corridor lit up when he stepped in, and he could see back in the chamber Lila and Solis deep asleep on the other two beds. Perhaps he should have listened to Anh and abstain from eating that canned food. Anyway, now it was too late for regrets. Barefoot and wearing only underwear and a t-shirt, he slowly opened the toilet door.
Ten minutes later, he was washing his hands above the sink, already feeling better. Fortunately, it had been just some mild indigestion. He’ll go back to sleep and get a good rest. The thugs will be gone by morning, and they’ll ahead back home safe and unharmed.
Kolin finished washing his hands, stepped out of the toilet, and froze. The corridor’s door towards the dome was half-open, and he could see a dark shape moving on the other side.
“They’ve got in!” he whispered. “We’re all as good as dead!”.
Without thinking, he rushed into the other dorm, where Anh and Rongo were sleeping, and shouted:
“We’ve been invaded! I don’t know how it happened, but they’re in the dome!”
Anh and Rongo jumped off their beds at once and rushed past Kolin towards the central chamber. They stopped at the end of the corridor, scanning the dome through the half-open door. One moment later, they both burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter and walked casually towards the so-called invaders.
“Kolin, come here,” Anh said, a wide grin spreading over his face. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. They’re just maintenance robots.”
They woke up at seven. After a quick shower, they had a light breakfast in the cafeteria. Making sure they’d left the place tidy, the group gathered under the dome at eight. The dome was brightly lit now, its ceiling displaying a daytime view of the sky. The Sun was already way above the horizon, and the sky looked clear.
“The thugs are most likely gone,” Anh said. “We will try to get back on top of Iron Rock in the same way we left it. It’s quite likely other masters of Two Waves and Aquatika are waiting for us on the shore or even on Iron Rock’s platform. However, before we head back, we need to talk about a few things.”
He looked intently at the three teenagers and went on:
“We are going to be all right for the moment, but the danger is still there. Members of this syndicate will keep following us. For a few days, we can expect peace, but there is a high chance they are going to strike later. We don’t know their identity, but these people are certainly part of a powerful organization. Not even the headquarters of Two Waves and Aquatika could stand a full-scale attack from hundreds of well-armed thugs. They seem to have the resources and determination to attempt it. Both Rongo and I will have to leave Centria for a while.
“Here’s my plan: You will go home for now, but will be picked up in the evening by an Aquatika master and will move to the local Aquatika headquarters for the night. From there, the four of us will leave for Sirenia tomorrow, taking the artifact with us. There, in Diana, you will train and learn this art to a level where you can be considered as full members of our organization and be able to take good care of yourselves for the rest of your lives. I have written these three letters to your parents, explaining the situation. Normally, being admitted to a full training program in Aquatika requires outstanding credentials. However, we’ll need to make an exception for you, given the present circumstances.”
The youngsters went pale.
“Can’t we just lie low for a few weeks, and then maybe they’ll leave us alone?” Lila inquired, a shadow of desperation mirrored in her eyes.
“No, you can’t. You’ll even put the lives of your families in danger if you stay. However, in a few years, after things got settled and we found out who is behind this, you'll be able to come back.”
“How about taking our families with us?” the girl insisted in a trembling voice.
“That's out of the question. It would be against Aquatika’s code of conduct. You are coming with us because your lives are in danger. And because you have already seen too much,” Anh said.
“What about master Rongo? Where will he go” Solis asked.
“He’ll move to Terminus for a while. The main headquarters of his style are there. Who knows, maybe he’ll visit us in Diana sometime later.”
Rongo nodded, then smiled, but didn’t say anything.
With care, Anh set the artifact on the floor and lowered his stance, preparing for the Three Circles Meditation.
“Now, let’s get ready to leave this place,” he announced.
With slumped shoulders, Kolin and Solis were gazing at their feet. Tears were flowing freely along Lila’s cheeks, in a silent cry. 

(to be continued...)

Books by Marian C. Ghilea:

Image source: Pixabay -

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